Angmering Locality Childcare Information

HAF (Holiday, Activites and Food)
FREE Holiday clubs for eligible children: What is HAF and how can it help me?
Find out more here
Since 2021 the government has funded a programme called HAF (Holiday, Activities and Food programme) across all areas of the country. Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children this can lead to a holiday experience gap, with some children being:
less likely to access organised holiday activities
more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health
more likely to experience social isolation
In response to this research there are now a large number of holiday club providers who are offering HAF places to eligible children (from reception to year 11).
The aims of the programme are to ensure children:
eat healthily over the school holidays
are active during the school holidays
take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and well being
be safe and not to be socially isolated
have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
The Providers Below All Offer HAF Places
Click on the Logo to find more information about the HAF places available with that provider
Activ8 For Kids
All Activ8 Camps accept HAF places, including morning, afternoon or full day sessions.
Premier Education
JC Sports
Please visit the West Sussex booking site to see places available